Hayley Williams (Hokiklub Budapest) on her first DFEL weekend against EC Bergkamen, 06.10.2024
Hayley Williams is playing for HK Budapest since 2020. The American born forward, who has a Hungarian passport, recaptures her first weekend in the Deutsche Fraueneishockey Liga (DFEL). We also talked with her about her long bus trip from Budapest to Bergkamen and...

Indians treten als Titelverteidiger im EWHL Euro Cup an
Zum zwölften Mal nehmen die Eishockeyfrauen des ECDC Memmingen am internationalen Pokalwettbewerb der European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL) teil. Dieser Wettbewerb startet in dieser Saison unter dem neuen Namen EWHL Euro Cup (vormals EWHL Super Cup). Zehn Teams...

EWHL League Champion 2023-24: HC SKP Bratislava
European Women’s Hockey League: after two thrilling final games HC SKP Bratislava took the EWHL Championship Trophy – the latter went for the third time in EWHL history to Slovakia’s capital after 2005-06 and 2006-07… On the other side Hokiklub Budapest could not...

HKB-SKP in Gold Medal Series
European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL): the best two teams from preliminary round will also face each other in the EWHL 2024 gold medal series… Titleholder Hokiklub Budapest as well as HC SKP Bratislava advanced to the finals with the same result of 9-2 goals in the...

SKP with one Leg in Finals
European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL): in the EWHL semi finals SKP won clearly 5-0 against MAC and with that result the Slovaks have great chances to advance to the finals… In meantime the duel between titleholder Hokiklub Budapest and the EC Graz Huskies was much...

Graz spielt sich ins Halbfinale
Die Halbfinali in der European Women's Hockey League (EWHL) stehen fest. Die Graz Huskies treffen auf den Hokiklub Budapest (HUN), MAC Budapest (HUN) spielt gegen HC SKP Bratislava (SVK) um den Finaleinzug. Das Halbfinale wird wie bereits das Viertelfinale im...

HKB, SKP, MAC & Huskies advance to Semis
European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL): the EWHL Semi Finals are set with Graz, Bratislava, MAC and HK Budapest… These will be played in CHL mode like the quarter finals and will bring the duels HK Budapest (HUN / 1st in preliminary round) – EC Graz Huskies (AUT / 7)...
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