Perfect Roadtrip For Eagles South Tyrol

The EVB Eagles South Tyrol have completed a strong road trip in the European Women’s Hockey League. Within 24 hours, the South Tyroleans celebrated victories against the EC Graz Huskies and Aisulu Almaty.
On Saturday evening, the EC Graz Huskies were the first team from the win2day Women’s Hockey League to kick off their EWHL campaign. Against the EVB Eagles South Tyrol, however, there was not much to gain for the Styrians. The visitors from Bolzano built up a 3:0 lead in the first period, which grew to 7:0 by the 43rd minute. Simona Grascher then scored the consolation goal for the Huskies to make the final score 1:7, with Kristin Della Rovere scoring a brace for Bolzano.
Just one day later, the South Tyroleans hosted Aisulu Almaty. A week ago, the Eagles celebrated a 1:0 shutout victory in shootout against Aisulu. Just one week later, the South Tyroleans repeated their shutout success – this time with a 2:0 win, with Eleonora Bonafini and Kristin Della Rovere scoring the goals. With three wins from three games and eight points, Bolzano are now smiling from the top of the European Women’s Hockey League table.
Europen Women’s Hockey League, Results:
EC Graz Huskies – EVB Eagles South Tyrol 1:7 (0:3,0:3,1:1)
Goals ECG: Grascher (55.)
Goals EVB: Weber (13.), Perathoner (15.), Della Rovere (17.,43./sh), Guerriero (23.), Pierri (27.), Reyes (39./sh),
Aisulu Almaty – EVB Eagles South Tyrol 0:2 (0:1,0:0,0:1)
Goals EVB: Bonafini (15./pp), Della Rovere (41./pp)
Bericht: PM EWHL
Foto: EWHL
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