MAC earns Postseason Ticket

European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL): MAC Budapest beat the Salzburg Eagles with a clear 8-1 and is the sixth EWHL team to secure the play off spot this season…
And in the second game within 24 hours in Katowice Tauron Metropolia Silesia took revenge for yesterday’s home loss and won 2-1 in a game that was close from beginning to the end and also saw excellent goalie saves on both sides. This result means that the team from Poland is back on second place now while the Lakers still have to be patient concerning their play off qualification. They have 4 points more than BJA and still can do their play off qualification by themselves – after the IIHF break they will play the SKN Sabres St. Pölten and Aisulu Almaty, two teams which are already qualified. In meantime BJA needs to make at least 4 more points in their 3 remaining games against Bolzano, MAC and Bratislava. Also Bolzano still has the chance, while on the other side league newcomer Graz Huskies are not completely safe yet. So a lot of action still can be expected in the last two EWHL preliminary round weeks in second half of February…
Bericht: PM EWHL
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