HKB, SKP, MAC & Huskies advance to Semis

European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL): the EWHL Semi Finals are set with Graz, Bratislava, MAC and HK Budapest…
These will be played in CHL mode like the quarter finals and will bring the duels HK Budapest (HUN / 1st in preliminary round) – EC Graz Huskies (AUT / 7) and HC SKP Bratislava (SVK / 2) – MAC Budapest (HUN / 5).
The only team who advanced with quite a clear result was defending champion Hokiklub Budpaest. Two times 5-0 against the KEHV Lakers brought the tickets for the semi finals. And even though they knew that they would not have a real chance the Lakers fought in both games until the end…
Quite close were the other 3 duels: SKP Bratislava and the SKN Sabres St. Pölten needed 72 minutes and 59 seconds until the first goal was scored. While the first game ended with a 0-0 tie, the Slovaks scored 2 goals in the second game and so booked their spot in the semis. The EC Graz Huskies advanced with a 6-4 score against Tauron Metropolia Silesia from Poland and so kicked the 3rd placed team in preliminary round out of the play offs. And MAC Budapest had the same score against Aisulu Almaty in the duel 5th against 4th – 6:4 after a 4-1 home win and a 3-2 road loss.
So the EWHL Semi Finals (also played in CHL Mode) are set:
Friday, March 8, 2024:
- EC Graz Huskies (AUT) – Hokiklub Budapest (HUN)
- MAC Budapest (HUN) – HC SKP Bratislava (SVK)
Saturday, March 9, 2024:
- Hokiklub Budapest (HUN) – EC Graz Huskies (AUT)
- HC SKP Bratislava (SVK) – MAC Budapest (HUN)
Bericht: PM EWHL
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