HKB, MAC and Memmingen join Zug in Final 4

Sep. 26, 2023 | EWHL

European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL): Supercup titleholder Hokiklub Budapest – with a 3-0 against Graz –, vice champion MAC Budapest – 3-0 against Lakers Selects – and the Memmingen Indians with an impressive 8-1 against BJA follow Zug into the EWHL Supercup Final 4 Tournament…

So the best three teams from last season will play for the Cup this season again. The Tournament will be played on 14th and 15th of October, the venue will be announced soon.

EWHL League:
Tauron Metropolia Silesia won also the second duel within 24 hours against the EVB Eagles South Tyrol – this time they succeeded with a 4-3 – and took the maximum of 6 points out of this weekend.

Bericht: PM EWHL

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