First Win for Highlanders

Nov. 27, 2023 | EWHL

European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL): on Sunday evening the KSV Neuberg Highlanders celebrated their first win with a 2-1 at home against the Salzburg Eagles…

In their 12th game the Styrians were successful with a power play goal at 37:00 which meant the first game winner this season. By the way: the SKN Sabres St. Pölten had a perfect weekend in Hungary with 6-0 points. Against Budapest Jegkorong Akademia they had more shots from beginning, but the goalies on both sides seemed unbeatable. Just when everyone already expected an overtime there was the 0-1 40 seconds before the end. BJA went “all in” after that and pulled the goalie which resulted in the 0-2 5 seconds before the game was over.

In Katowice, Zbigniew Wróbel’s players defeated Aisulu Almaty 4-0. Leader TAURON Metropolia Silesia took  revenge for the Saturday loss (3-4 SO). The best player of this game was scoring leader Karolina Późniewska, who scored two goals and assisted one more.

ATTENTION: as written below the game Aisulu – Highlanders will be played already on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 7.30 p.m. in Kapfenberg (instead of Nov. 29).

And please note the following changes in the game schedule:
Game #19 Lakers – Aisulu (could not be played on Oct. 11) => new date 06.12.2023
Game #69 Aisulu – Highlanders (instead of Nov. 29) => new date 28.11.2023
Game #70 Bolzano – Aisulu (instead of Dec. 1) => new date 22.02.2024
Game #71 Graz – Sabres (instead of Dec. 1) => new date TBD
Game #80 Aisulu – Graz (instead of Dec. 6) => new date 02.12.2023

Bericht: PM EWHL

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