Favourites win Sunday Games
European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL): defending Champions Hokiklub Budapest prolong their winning streak with a 6-2 against Graz…
This means now the Hungarians have 6 wins in 6 games and are second in the standings – 6 points behind leader Tauron Metropolia Silesia who have already 8 wins in 8 games. Bratislava jumped now on 3rd place after a 3-2 in Salzburg – for a long time it looked like a tie before the Slovaks could score the well deserved game winner in 56th minute of the game. And MAC showed a big reaction after their defeat against the Lakers – especially a furious 5-0 in the last period against the Highlanders brought them a clear 9-0 win in the end…
Bericht: PM EWHL
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