EWHL Supercup Champion 2023-24: ECDC Memmingen

European Women’s Hockey League (EWHL): On Saturday Memmingen kicked out titleholder Hokiklub Budapast after a 4-3 shootout thriller in the semis and won the finals 3-0 against MAC…
For the Indians it was the second Supercup title after 2016-17. Newcomer EV Zug beat HK Budapest in the game for third place 1-0 and so grabbed the first trophy in club history.
EWHL Supercup Individual Awards 2023-24:
EWHL All Star Team (chosen by the clubs):
Goalkeeper: REVESZ Zsuzsa / MAC Budapest
Defence: KISS-SIMON Franciska / Hokiklub Budapest
Defence: GLEISSNER Daria / ECDC Memmingen
Forward: KLUGE Laura / ECDC Memmingen
Forward: HUSZAK Alexandra / MAC Budapest
Forward: STALDER Lara / EV Zug
Best Goalkeeper Save Percentage: UHRMANN Lilly / ECDC Memmingen
Top (Point) Scorer:
– STALDER Lara / EV Zug
– SCHIEFER Jule / ECDC Memmingen
In EWHL League Tauron Metropolia Silesia prolong the winning streak, is now unbeaten for 6 games in a row and is leading in the standings with 18 points now. Bolzano beat the Sabres – now both teams have a 2-2 record and 6 points.
Bericht: PM EWHL
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