Emily Sarah Even (Amsterdam Tigers) on the team’s foundation and starting playing, 10.09.2023
Dutch national defender Emily Sarah Even kindly of the newly established team Amsterdam Tigers spoke with us after the two test games against Mad Dogs Mannheim Frauen.
The two games are not only their first test games ever. Before, the super fresh team just had two training sessions, and their roster is still to be completed. Currently there is a lot of improvisation necessary. Emily not only had to wear a temporary jersey, but players and staff have to find and define their role on and off ice.
Despite being defeated by Mannheim by a 3:0 and 5:0, they almost played four consecutive periods without any goal against. And facing many penalties as a team consisting of players who played most time tough hockey against men as there is a Dutch women’s hockey league only exsiting for a very short time.
We also talked with Emily about the status of the women’s game in the Netherlands, and she has commented on things already achieved and things still to be developed.
Interview: Tim Sinzenich
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