Okt. 20, 2024 | EWHL

HK PSRZ Bratislava celebrated a 3:2 victory over Aisulu Almaty to kick off the EWHL season. However, the team from Slovakia, who started the new season as reigning champions, were already 2-0 down.

The reigning champions started the new season with a hard-fought victory. However, Aisulu Almaty had the better start to the game, taking the lead in the 15th minute despite a lack of chances. The visitors even increased the lead to 2:0 in the middle period before Nikola Nemčeková turned things around for Bratislava three seconds before the end of the second period. The hosts finally prevailed 3:2 thanks to goals from Lucia Ištocyová and Janka Hlinková to record their first win of the new season.

HK PSRZ Bratislava – Aisulu Almaty 3:2 (0:1,1:1,2:0)
Goals PSR: Nemcekova (40.), Istocyova (48.), Hlinkova (55.)
Goals AIS: Erhardt (15.), Aldabergenova (26.)

Bericht: PM EWHL

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