Lillian Feeney (Mad Dogs Mannheim Frauen) on the successful weekend in Bergkamen, 22.12.2024
Lillian Feeney joined Germany’s women’s hockey top league „Deutsche Fraueneishockey Liga“ (DFEL) team Mad Dogs Mannheim Frauen for this season. We talked with the Foxborough, MA born forward not only about the 0:4 and 0:6 away victories against EC Bergkamen.
Lillian kindly takes us on a tour of Germany and Europe, which she undertook during her time off and tells us her favorite destination.
We also asked her about her Munich Oktoberfest experiences with her team, what she thinks the USA should adapt from Germany and what she misses from her home country.
Interview: Tim Sinzenich
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Aktuell|Schnell | Kompetent
- Frauen Nationalmannschaft A
- U18 Frauen Nationalmannschaft
- Internationales Fraueneishockey
- Intverviews
- Videos (Streaming, etc.)
- Frauenbundesliga
- EWHL (Europaliga)